Author: George Zoni
Vote Results Are In: “NO!” Les résultats du vote: “NON!”
See the attached document for full details.
Voir le document ci-joint pour en savoir plus.
Vote on Company Offer – RRC Vote sur l’offre de la compagnie – RRC
Vote on Company offer – RRC – Tuesday, October 4, 2016. Open the document for more details.
Vote sur l’offre de la compagnie – RRC – mardi, 4 octobre, 2016. Voir le document ci-joint pour en savoir plus.
Negotiations Update – LL2468/RRC – Mise à jour sur négociations – SL2468/RRC
Click on the link to read the document.
Cliquez sur le lien pour en savoir plus.
Grand Lodge Convention – Chicago 2016
Brother Colin Adams and I returned from Chicago last week. This convention was a definite eye-opener! Full report about the GL Convention at next month’s general meeting, October 11, 2016!
Confrère Colin Adams et moi nous sommes revenus de Chicago la semaine dernière. Cette convention a été très dynamique! Rapport complet sur la Convention du GL à l’assemblée générale du mois prochain, le 11 Octobre, 2016!
Summer is here! L’été est arrivé!
With the arrival of summer comes warm weather, outdoor activities and vacations. As has been the case for many years, LL2468 will not hold any monthly meetings for the months of July and August. The next monthly meeting will be held on September 13, 2016. The LL2468 Executive would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and relaxing summer. Enjoy!
Avec l’arrivée de l’été vient le temps chaud, les activités de plein air et les vacances. Comme depuis plusieurs années, il n’y aura pas de réunion mensuelle pour les mois de juillet et août. Le prochain réunion mensuelle se tiendra le 13 septembre 2016. L’exécutif de la SL2468 aimerait profiter de cette occasion pour souhaiter à tous un été sécuritaire et relaxant. Prendre plaisir!
IAM 2016 Photo Contest – Concours de photographie 2016 de l’AIM
On behalf of Stan Pickthall, Chief of Staff/Au nom de Stan Pickthall, Chef du personnel
IAM 2016 Photo Contest – Please submit before June 1st deadline.
Veuillez soumettre avant la date limite du ler juin.
Nouvelles – Air Canada, Bombardier – News
Étant donné les dernières nouvelles au sujet d’Air Canada / Bombardier et les Gouvernements provinciale et fédérale, Dave Ritchie a publié les lettres ci-dessous à l’honorable Judy Sgro, l’honorable Marc Garneau et l’honorable William Morneau:
Given the recent news regarding Air Canada / Bombardier and the Provincial and Federal Governments, Dave Ritchie has issued the letters below to The Honourable Judy Sgro, the Honourable Marc Garneau and the Honourable William Morneau:
Emplois d’été – District 11 – Summer Jobs
Cliquez sur le lien pour en savoir plus.
Click on the link below to learn more.
2016 Siemens Labour Meeting
This event represents the first time LL2468 has participated in a Siemens Union Conference. Members from IG Metall, IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers), IAMAW, IUE-CWA (International Union of Electronic, Electrical, Salaried, Machine and Furniture Workers – Communications Workers of America), USW (United Steel Workers), UAW (United Auto Workers) and UNIFOR were representing Germany, Canada and the US. Canadians were represented by an all-Quebec contingent from Montreal, Quebec City, Trois-Rivieres and Drummondville.
Reinhard Hahn, IG Metall Head of Projects, stated that a major fact of Germany’s success is the inclusion of Labour Unions in all levels of the Company Hierarchy. Economic profitability is intertwined with employees. The German model is based upon a 3-Pillar system: The Trade Union, The Works Council and The Supervisory Board.
IG Metall spearheaded a movement to introduce an International Framework Agreement for all Siemens companies throughout the world. Included in this plan is a Neutrality Clause that would allow for organization opportunities of non-organized Siemens shops with no interference from Company management. At present, this is still not recognized in Canada and the US.
Lee Vickers, Senior Director of Siemens HR in the US spoke about the current situation of Siemens in the US, including Union representation and the various Siemens divisions. When questioned about the applicability of any neutrality clause in the US, he answered that he thought that it wouldn’t work in the US. He also mentioned that it’s up to the employees to organize on their own.
The main activity that occurred at this meeting was the World Café, the purpose of which was to gather answers to the following questions: 1. What would be high value for the unions active in Siemens companies? 2. How should the structure of inter-union representation at Siemens be defined? 3. What programs should be agreed with Siemens? Framework of apprentice and training programs defined? 4. Most important parts with respect to activities in Siemens companies in the US? What would be most esteemed by employees? 5. How should communications/coordination be defined between all parties?
Many interesting conclusions were revealed following the dissemination of the answers, but the returning themes revolved around job security, pensions, healthcare, right to respect/dignity and fair representation. Other items such as forming union groups according to industry and/or geography, forming email lists and websites and ensuring that appropriate interpretation is available were also listed.
We look forward to attending future Siemens Labour Meetings.
Links to the meeting from other unions: